My breeding theory

No.13404646 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've been thinking a lot about getting the best mix of traits that will unlock the most potential in humans after playing a lot of video games like pokemmo.
What I realized is that each race has its own advantage, but when you mix the phenotypes together... it creates a rather depraved phenotype. So my solution was how do we get the most homogenous genes while getting the best from the rest? Well to do it you breed one white person with one person from every ethnic group just one at a time, and then spend generations breeding it out back to full whiteness, but you'll still have that "1%" difference in there. This way you'll get the 1% boost of dynamic traiting. Being 1% East Asian will make you better at math. 1% Indian would make you better at arguing. 1% Black (if you don't want a nigger in the genepool I guess just get a big swarthy Italian) will make you a bit bigger.
Remember the concentration is over time not immediate, so you'd want at least four generations between breeding in another non-white once the previous non-white is mostly bred out except for its bonuses.
This will really amplify genetics and create a true master race that has the abilities of all others, the intelligence of asians, the brawn of the southern hemisphere, the environmental hardiness of eskimos, while retaining the strict and pure white admixture that defines the white race.