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Golden ratio hate thread
No.13404503 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quoted By: >>13404578 >>13404684 >>13404695 >>13404704 >>13405922
>golden rectangles inferior to squares, which are clearly more beautiful
>golden spiral is ugly and gets too big to fast, inferior to the simple graph r=theta in polar coordinates
>golden ratio literally never found in nature, schizos just overemphasize every time a ratio is approximately 1.6
>is the root of a quadratic, literally the mathematically least interesting kind of irrational number
Defend this, /sci/
>golden spiral is ugly and gets too big to fast, inferior to the simple graph r=theta in polar coordinates
>golden ratio literally never found in nature, schizos just overemphasize every time a ratio is approximately 1.6
>is the root of a quadratic, literally the mathematically least interesting kind of irrational number
Defend this, /sci/