No.13402924 ViewReplyOriginalReport
With a B.Sc. and M.Sc. and working in the field using interdisciplinary STEM skills and applying and somewhat connected to the research community... are you still below a phd and a post doc? equivalent age*

Is a MSc. with equivalent years of work experience still below a similar aged post doc or PhD in terms of scientific and mathematical power, prowess, prestige?

Especially since most STEM phds and post docs are really quite practical jobs... maybe they are similar to a real job afterall?

What about a B.Sc. .... are they always basically going to be below an M.Sc. ?

Could a non grad reach the scientific power of a B.Sc holder? what about an M.Sc.... PhD? Has a non graduate ever won a scientific nobel? or been granted a scientific power ability like a doctor or allowed to publish in nature?