>>13403050>The testing is practically a formality at this point.No it's not, it's the only way to actually diagnose it.
>My dermatologist explained how it ticks all the boxes of melanomaI've seen literally hundreds if not thousands of cases where various skin tumors ticked every cancer box yet ended up being benign, as well as textbook benign looking 1mm wide "pimples" ending up being basal cell carcinoma. Again visual inspection doesn't mean shit, which is why it's not used as an actual diagnostic method.
>A mole doesn't just appear out of nowhere and remove all hair around the area.Actually they do, "halo naevus" is a well known benign type of mole with a white halo around it, and there's nothing saying it can't suddenly grow on you.
>If you're not going to contribute, don't even bother posting.I'm the only one giving you actual advice here, while the other schizos are arguing if the sun screen gives you cancer.