CMV: Autism should be classified as a Cluster B personality disorder, if not worse
No.13400163 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quoted By: >>13400201 >>13400209 >>13400595
The common narrative is that autism is a disability and that autists are oppressed... yeah, autists are so disabled that they're extremely overrepresented in academia, media, and other influential positions, wow
And isn't it curious that you're free to despise people with cluster B personalities and wish they would all die, but the moment you lift a finger against autists you get cancelled?
I thought sociopaths were the ones who ruled and autists the oppressed ones? Why are you allowed to hate the former but not the latter? Why does the mass media have such a strong bias in the favor of autists if they're actually an "oppressed minority"?
Autists commit tons of mass shootings, they rape tons of women, they throw massive temper tantrums and lash out violently at petty meaningless shit, they ENSLAVE us with Big Tech, and we're supposed to think there's nothing wrong with them; Infact, we're supposed to GET ON OUR KNEES and LICK THE FEET of autists, we're supposed to praise them for how RATIONAL and EMPATHETIC they are, how much SUPERIOR they are to us, mere NORMIES! ESPECIALLY the women! Autistic women can do NO wrong! They're totally the opposite of BPDers! They're SMART, QUIRKY, EMPATHETIC AND CUTE UWU, the PLATONIC IDEAL OF WOMEN!!!!111 How DARE you compare autists to sociopaths and narcissists even though they're arguably even worse!
Hmmm, curious, it's almost like autists are a privileged class or something...
It's almost like, it's almost like autists hold massive control over society or something, it's almost like most high functioning autists are actually heartless and cunning pieces of shit who rule vast swathes of society, it's almost like they can only think scientifically rather than morally, and want all the "normies" to be their slave robots
It's almost like autism is basically a cluster B personality disorder, but worse, because unlike narcissists and sociopaths they excel at being wolves in sheep's clothing...
And isn't it curious that you're free to despise people with cluster B personalities and wish they would all die, but the moment you lift a finger against autists you get cancelled?
I thought sociopaths were the ones who ruled and autists the oppressed ones? Why are you allowed to hate the former but not the latter? Why does the mass media have such a strong bias in the favor of autists if they're actually an "oppressed minority"?
Autists commit tons of mass shootings, they rape tons of women, they throw massive temper tantrums and lash out violently at petty meaningless shit, they ENSLAVE us with Big Tech, and we're supposed to think there's nothing wrong with them; Infact, we're supposed to GET ON OUR KNEES and LICK THE FEET of autists, we're supposed to praise them for how RATIONAL and EMPATHETIC they are, how much SUPERIOR they are to us, mere NORMIES! ESPECIALLY the women! Autistic women can do NO wrong! They're totally the opposite of BPDers! They're SMART, QUIRKY, EMPATHETIC AND CUTE UWU, the PLATONIC IDEAL OF WOMEN!!!!111 How DARE you compare autists to sociopaths and narcissists even though they're arguably even worse!
Hmmm, curious, it's almost like autists are a privileged class or something...
It's almost like, it's almost like autists hold massive control over society or something, it's almost like most high functioning autists are actually heartless and cunning pieces of shit who rule vast swathes of society, it's almost like they can only think scientifically rather than morally, and want all the "normies" to be their slave robots
It's almost like autism is basically a cluster B personality disorder, but worse, because unlike narcissists and sociopaths they excel at being wolves in sheep's clothing...