>Wow I want to discover the mysteries of the world
>Study hard
>Read a ton of books
>Go to college
>Discover the mysteries of the world, and they suck
>Write niche research papers maybe 20 other people read
>Understand death down to the molecular level and why it's a necessary
>Still bothered by mortality
>To smart to be able to enjoy TV/Movies/Videogames/Sex/Food/Cars/Drugs/Alcohol/etc. for longer then an hour.
>Have money but nobody sells anything I want.
What exactly are we suppose to be doing after we "make it" in /sci/?
>"Buy this shoe, this watch, wear this brand, drive this car"
That's trash.
>"Start a family/raise kids"
For what? So they can go through the same process and end up right where I am now with slight deviations?
>"Start a business/use your intelligence to make money"
I have more money then I could ever spend. I don't need more and a business would eat up all of my time.
>"Change the world"
The world is in a constant state of change. Making the world stop changing would be a feat.
>Wow I want to discover the mysteries of the world
>Study hard
>Read a ton of books
>Go to college
>Discover the mysteries of the world, and they suck
>Write niche research papers maybe 20 other people read
>Understand death down to the molecular level and why it's a necessary
>Still bothered by mortality
>To smart to be able to enjoy TV/Movies/Videogames/Sex/Food/Cars/Drugs/Alcohol/etc. for longer then an hour.
>Have money but nobody sells anything I want.
What exactly are we suppose to be doing after we "make it" in /sci/?
>"Buy this shoe, this watch, wear this brand, drive this car"
That's trash.
>"Start a family/raise kids"
For what? So they can go through the same process and end up right where I am now with slight deviations?
>"Start a business/use your intelligence to make money"
I have more money then I could ever spend. I don't need more and a business would eat up all of my time.
>"Change the world"
The world is in a constant state of change. Making the world stop changing would be a feat.