>>13398978Where exactly does he say this?
They just keep repeating "the spike protein is very dangerous" to scare people against taking the vaccine. Do they even know how COVID works? COVID fucks up your cells and makes them, produce much much much more spike protein than two doses of the vaccine ever would.
They also claim that they have no problem with mRNA vaccines at all (yes, it's in the stream), they only think the spike protein is harmful.
Considering that even if the spike protein is harmful, vaccinating would expose you to far less protein than a real COVID infection. Where is the logic in that?
They also talk about vaccination side effects. Are they even aware how vaccine development works? There are studies before and after the vaccine gets approved (by independent scientists too), and they don't deny these side effects, just that these side effects happen in very low numbers. Much lower than serious side effects by a real COVID infection.
They claim the victims of these mostly non-permanent side effects can't "tell their stories", but here they are, talking on a podcast that's available on one of the most popular social media sites.
They say "people's voices can't be heard", but they also don't seem to be aware that side effects are collected and put into a statistic (whose result is that there are very little side effects in general).
It sounds like these podcast guys have ulterior motives or just like inciting fear in people. Utterly dishonest.
>using the word "blue pill"Cringe.