Why can I crack my knuckles repeatedly

No.13397744 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I posted this on /adv/, but no one is replying so i will post it here
Everytime I look up anything about popping/cracking your knuckles, I always read that you can only do it once and then you have to wait it out. Well then why can I do it repeatedly, I just sort of squeeze both of my hands into a fist and then stretch them out and repeat and Everytime without fail there's a crack. The only why I stop is because my hands get tired, but if they didn't I could go on for a long time.

Here's a vocaroo for those who would like to hear it: https://voca.ro/17NGUFyQ76vC

I know the audio sounds weird, I think it's because I am mainly cracking both my hands at the same time but either way I hope you guys can help me figure this out.