>>13395749I did both cause /sci/ said so and am sheep.
Dev for dod. It’s very cool.
allow me to illuminate things.
if you want to be a programmer do cs. classes are meaningless. Grind leetcode and work on projects. 90% u get hired as webdev doin c# and javascript unless you are goin to carnegie mellon, budy. you’ll get paid like $45,000-$70,000 out of school unless you get hored at aome west coast company, but there are better candidates than you so you won’t.
cs majors will get more interviews than math majors for programming jobs. hr knows nothing about real analysis. they will briefly skim your resume and pass it along if you match the criteria and cs majors will hit the criteria way more often than math majors. if your math major resume lands in front of me I will still be interviewing you on programming because I am hiring people who are programmers and analysts not mathmeticians.
Math majors are smarter. It still won’t get you hired as a dev unless you grind leetcode, sql, and OOP.
A resume gets the foot in the door. but literally nothing will get you hired besides a good personality, solid interview skills, and side projects you can show me. nobody cares if you double majored.