No.13394491 ViewReplyOriginalReport
At this point in time there are only 2 realistic options to the UAP phenomenon.

1. Some majorly secret research is being done right here on earth working on engineering projects that vastly outpace current conventional scientific knowledge by many orders of magnitude. From here I believe the only way I see this happening is from AGI/machine intelligence assisted or lead research.

I will say I doubt this option because this phenomenon has existed for longer than computers and the internet has been around (1950's/ ancient aliens type shit) and sans time travel, which just makes this theory even more schizo sounding (but is actually not that unlikely considering the implications of FTL travel) there would simply not be enough resources and data collected for AGI development to be possible.

2. We're dealing with actual aliens. I believe this to be much more likely. First and foremost for an advanced alien race to be capable of FTL travel would also be advanced enough to posses extremely efficient sensory devices capable of detecting radiation signatures and even into the 5th dimension, not even shitting you really how physics work. For something to travel in an efficient manner in our universe considering the vast distances involved it would need to go FTL. But in doing so would need to bend space itself. This is not that crazy of an idea as we already have a basic concept for how worm holes or a negative mass generating alcubierre drive could do this. Now unless what we know about the universe is very wrong (which it could be) this would mean they are also bending time aswell as space and time are connected, into the spacetime continuum. This means they can be considered to be traveling through the 5th or possibly even 6th dimension. This is important to note, whenever we discuss aliens we are not just talking about beings from another planet but also from another dimension entirely.

TLDR; take your meds