heart disease is the number one killer how do we stop it /sci/

No.13393547 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/sci/ I am so fucking scared of heart disease. I've been all over the map. I was vegan for 2 years. Basically now:
>cook 90% of own food
>all beef is minimally organic (no hormones, eats more grass)
>maximally my beef supply is a local organic 100% grass fed grass finish (85% lean ground)
>dairy is locally sourced only (mostly grass fed no hormones)
>take quality fish oil or krill oil
>eat a very basic diet
>do not smoke
>do not drink alcohol
>do a lot of exercise
>do not eat deep fried foods
>limit oils to quality olive, coconut, avocado, homemade grass fed ghee
>eat mostly organic on the dirty dozen & grains
>incoroprate beans & whole grains (protein rich) into almost every meal to reduce meat consumption in general
>basically do not consume added sugar in anything

has any anons followed the literature? vegans are clearly blinded by their faith but on the other hand this keto/carnivore lifestyle does not seem sustainable in the long run even though there are some compelling arguments to that approach.

the main actors in this discussion seem to be
>vegans blinded by their cult approach
>heart association which seems to be the mouthpiece of big agriculture
>keto shills who the dairy, meat, and egg industry obviously love