>>13392346Humans perceive basically all stars as white or blue white with the exception of red giants because they are distant and their light is heavily redshifted.
If you could see red dwarfs their light would be white.
Star "colour" is mainly based on the largest portion of colour making up a stars spectra, not what you can actually see. It's of more use for classifying stars academically, not for describing stars as we actually see them, which is obvious to anyone who stargazes with regularity. You can find stars that appear yellow or orange, red, blue, etc, but it usually has to do more with distance and the temperature of the star rather than it's astronomical designation.
As a fun side note, our own star actually leans heavily into the green spectra because it's extremely metal rich (iron being the primary culprit as it gives off green spectra), so if our star was many times dimmer and the white light didn't drown out everything the Sun would be a kind of greenish-yellow.
>>13392506Red dwarfs suck for life (as we know it) right now, but they have enormous potential in the future as they become more stable and less prone to throwing off radiation. I strongly believe that 99% of life in the Universe comes after Humanity and will be around red dwarfs in a much cooler elliptical galaxy. Humans just got crazy lucky to be here so early.