Why is this board so obsessed about IQ and IQ tests when every single person here got filtered as brainlets by C++? If you wasted the same amount of time learning C++ rather than trying to solve IQ tests you would be BTFOing most /sci/lets in almost any field of research and you would be able to get juicy research opportunities as most researchers are looking for competent programmers as more /sci/lets are computer iliterates.
Cpp also allows you to write libraries for python which if you apply it to your field will make you have a great accomplishment in your CV rather than just being mediocre with an above average GPA and some research experience in a useless project.
Take the cpp pill /sci/, you will thank me later.
Cpp also allows you to write libraries for python which if you apply it to your field will make you have a great accomplishment in your CV rather than just being mediocre with an above average GPA and some research experience in a useless project.
Take the cpp pill /sci/, you will thank me later.