From the rib of Enki the life essence he extracted,
Into the rib of Adamu the life essence of Enki he inserted;
From the rib of Ninmah the life essence he extracted,
Into the rib of Ti-Amat the life essence he inserted.
Where the incisions were made, the flesh thereon he closed up.
Then the four of them by Ningishzidda were awakened. It is done! he proudly declared.
To their Tree of Life two branches have been added,
With procreating power, their life essences are now entwined!
Let them freely roam, as one flesh let thorn knots each other! Ninmah was saying.
In the Edin's orchards, to freely roam Adamu and Ti-Amat were placed.
Of their nakedness they became aware, of malehood and femalehood they were knowing.
Ti-Amat of leaves aprons made, from the wild beasts to be distinguished.
In the heat of the day Enlil in the orchard was strolling, the shade he was enjoying.
Without expectation Adamu and Ti-Amat he encountered, the aprons on their loins he noticed
What is the meaning of this? Enlil wondered; Enki for explaining he summoned.
The matter of procreation Enki to Enlil explained:
The seven and seven had failed, to Enlil he admitted;
Ningishzidda the life essence: examined an additional combining was needed!
Great was Enlil's anger, furious his words were:
The whole thing was not to my liking, for acting as Creators I had opposed.
The Being that we need, it already exists! So were you, Enki, saying,
All we need is put our mark on it, thereby Primitive Workers to fashion!