>>13391025Below average looking females don't make the first move in the current dating market, That might have been the case in the past before social media and online dating, But not anymore.
The only times I've see girls make the first move is when the guys are objectively attractive (tall, strong jaw line, blue/green hunter eyes, wide shoulders, ..etc)
>>13391096If you knew every person in that sample and the sample was the largest and closest to perfection as scientifically possible, You'll introduce "but how many of them are lying?" and declare the chart worthless as well.
>>13391228>>13392066>>13391673Video games and porn existed long before 2008. It's a symptom/cope, not the cause. Porn magazines/VHS and gaming consoles were more common than you think.
To assume a third of young men prefer to play video games and jerk off instead of getting a girlfriend and starting a family while ignoring all other factors is asinine.
>>13392354>>13391459All of them know what they have, which type of girl to, and what to expect.
The correct answers to OP questions:
>>13391417>>13392422>>13392430>>13392439>>13393528Add to that the absolutely broken and predatory family law, and in some states "common marriage" laws which automatically treats you as a husband and wife if you've been living together for few months without marriage. And when young men try to have a discussion about this, it always ends up by normalfags giving generic out of touch useless advice and women gulting, shaming, and insulting them while absolving themselves completely from any responsibility, And this cycle have been repeating for years, till some young men simply get fed up and end up on /r9k/ and/or in incel cirrcles, and what do normalfags and women do? They come after them with more gulting, shaming, and insults till they drop out of discussion and stick to their small circle of online gaming friends and/or rope.