No.13389937 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Muslim evolution deniers: Allah created man along with the angels and the jinn and not evolution
>Hindu evolution deniers: Brahma created the universe and Lord Vishnu preserves it and not evolution
>Jew evolution deniers: the Torah, the five books of Moses, said G-d created the universe in six days and not evolution
>Native American evolution deniers: the sky woman fell from the sky and fashioned the world on a turtle's back and not evolution
>Black/sub-Saharan African Christian evolution deniers: God the Father made the world in six days & molded man from dirt and not evolution
>White/Caucasian Christian evolution deniers: God the Father made the world in six days & molded man from dirt and not evolution
>Scientific American: Denial of Evolution Is a Form of White Supremacy

Okay, why the absolute fuck are we ignoring the science denialism of all of these other groups & pretending that not only that creationism is exclusively a white thing but also linking creationism with white supremacy?!?

It's obvious creationism is the product of human fears of dying & non-existence and there is a general existential crisis in rejecting any belief of an alleged divine origin of humanity for a purely materialistic origin. While there may be some anti-"non-white" racial elements to creationism among whites, it is far from the main driver in the belief of creationism especially when so many other ethnic groups & religions have denied the evidence. Not only that, but many non-theistic white supremacists have twisted the theory of evolution to validate their white supremacy. Furthermore, making it into a race issue is counterproductive. Calling a white creationist a black-lynching Klansman isn't going to shame him into believing in evolution. It will only make him double down even more. Nor giving a "brown people" pass to non-whites helping to promote science either.