Bypassing Radiological Detection Methods

No.13389431 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Potential Next-Generation Radiological Attack Scenario: Encapsulation of Radioactive Graphite Nanoparticles Within Microparticle Lead Spheroids with Elemental Sodium/Aluminium/Iron Oxide Shell, Hygric Trigger

I am disclosing this information publicly in the hopes that the U.S. and other governments begin to take seriously the potential for a new style of radiological attack to be employed by sophisticated state actors with connection to terrorist organizations. What I am about to share with you has gone ignored by my superiors within a compartment of the Department of Energy tasked with gaming out potential future attack scenarios so they may be anticipated. At the present, our primary tool to detect radioactive materials being shipped into an area are Geiger counters. We have experimental muon detectors capable of measuring the extent to which ultra-heavy elements can change the trajectory of downward-oriented muons generated from high-energy collisions in the ionosphere, but they are still in the experimental phase and have not been mass-produced. I also believe they would be useless in the attack scenario I am about to describe.

The most logical method of executing a radiological attack for a hypothetical enemy would be, considering our newfound ability to detect shielded ultra-heavy elements would be to use radioactive graphite encapsulated within a multi-layered spheroid. The outermost layer would be a water-reactive layer of elemental sodium that serves as a trigger for the next layer, which would be a mix of thermitic materials aluminium and iron oxide of the finest granularity possible.