>>13388706Yes, albeit mostly with music, not as much in math, although it does happen there too. My rhythm sucks ass, and I don't have the best hand dexterity so my physical music playing skills suck ass, but I also have a pretty sensitive ear and I would say a natural intuition for the complex melodic structures in classical and jazz and metal. I was really shitty when I started playing guitar, and my rhythm still sucks ass, but with a few years of training I was able to learn classical guitar and I can do some basic bluesy sound improvisation. I still wouldn't consider myself a great musician, but I'm better than average, and a lot of pleb guitarists who just play pop music or classic rock like Maroon 5 or the Beatles or some shit think that I'm amazing when they see me. In reality, my skill level is probably comparable to a 2nd or 3rd year undergrad studying music composition.
I'm a math MS student, and with math, my skill set is a little more consistent and well rounded, but I do tend to be worse at geometry and vector calculus.