>>13388601It is a survival mechanism, but its hardly retarded. Genetic variation is biological contrarianism. Genetics maintain variation to maintain robustness to a changing environment. Antibiotic resistant strains, bananas immune to panama disease, the list is long. Of course then, it manifests in the realm of ideas and behaviours. Buildings made of a variety of shaped stones are more tolerant to earthquakes than homogeneous ones. Networks composed of just Windows PC's are more vulnerable to catastrophic failure than a mesh of Windows, Linux's, Macs and TempleOS's. A matrix of just Agent Smiths was vulnerable to Neo. Information needs a variety of interpretations as its measuring systems, the 5 senses are in the end quite limited. Collective Authoritarianism quash their heterogeneity, overly centralise and eventually loose to the swarm. One king cannot see what the swarm can