>>13388918owo >w< uwu
In mathematics, *screeches* the x3 tensow pwoduct of two *starts twerking* vectow spaces V and W (uvw the x3 same f-fiewd) is a vectow space which c-can be t-t-thought of as the x3 space of aww tensows that c-can be buiwt fwom vectows fwom its constituent spaces u-using an additionyaw opewation which c-can be c-considewed as a genyewawization and abstwaction of the x3 outew pwoduct.
Because of the x3 connyection with tensows, which awe the x3 e-ewements of a tensow pwoduct, tensow pwoducts find uses in many aweas of appwication incwuding in physics and enginyeewing, though the x3 fuww theoweticaw mechanyics of them descwibed bewow may nyot be commonwy cited :3 thewe.
Fow exampwe, in genyewaw wewativity, :3 the x3 gwavitationyaw fiewd is descwibed thwough the x3 metwic tensow, which is a fiewd (in the x3 s-sense of physics) of tensows, onye at each point in the x3 space-time manyifowd, and each of which wives *sees bulge* in the x3 tensow sewf-pwoduct of tangent spaces * at its point of wesidence on the x3 manyifowd (such a cowwection of tensow pwoducts attached t-to anyothew *screams* space is cawwed *looks at you* a tensow bundwe).