Would it be possible to brainwash yourself?

No.13388341 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I typed this whole thing, but the image I attached deleted the whole thing, so I will try to retype what I remember.

Last night, I was playing black ops 1, and I had been staying up for 2 days at that point, so I was deep in thought. When I was down, I went to take a shower. As most know, showers are a great place to think. Since the main dude in black ops is brainwashed, it made a thought popped up in my shampoo covered head, could a human being literally brainwash themselves to think something that isn't true, or would it be scientifically impossible? When I say brainwash, I mean to make yourself think something is true, when in reality, it isn't. For example, I was born in 1989, but what if I were to brainwash myself to think I was born in 1988? I think it would be possible to do this with something so minor like your year of birth. I don't think it would be possible to make yourself think something more major, like to think your name is George Washington. I am gonna be my own Guinea pig, and I am gonna do this experiment, my goal is to make my mind think I was born in 1988. I will make a recording that says my name, place of birth, and my false DOB. I will listen to this on repeat throughout the day. If I can get my girlfriend to remind me every now and then that I was born in 1988, it would speed this up a lot. I'm gonna purge any thoughts of the year 1989 from my mind. If I have to listen to the audio while I sleep, so be it. I'll try to update you guys every week or so if I can, but it might jeopardize my experiment, so we'll see if updates are possible. The hurdle I need to jump in this experiment is the fact that it's an experiment. I have to forget that I'm even doing this experiment, and instead, make it a sub conscious routine. If anybody else wants to do this experiment, they can, but im not responsible for any mental damage you cause. The human mind intrigues me, that's why I'm doing this.

Until next time