No.13385614 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I dont want to make one since you almost certainly can't, but I'm curious how people in different fields would think about, or outright dismiss, going about making one.
My idea is going to sound vague and retarded because I don't know enough about quantum shit for excited states to propose whatever transitions that'd make this even possible, but here's the gist of it.
>don't use lasing
>instead, use different pressurized gasses
>one or all gasses are excited and distributed such that they form a matrix where one gas can't properly transition to its ground state, kinda similar to what little I know of lasing, but capitalizing on the matrix itself rather than the emission
>somehow have this shit retain shape and piss out of the source far enough to accomplish something
The last bit is why I think this idea wouldn't work. Have fun with this concept or my shitty idea how ever you guys like.