>>13387193>News flash, typically plants adapting to poor soil quality means the nutrients that can be derived from the plant when consumed is inefficient for mass cultivation.And yet niggers, or any african wildlife for that matter, survived just fine without mass cultivation. Because there was no evolutional pressure for that. For hundreds thousand years.
>Also just because life is able to adapt does not mean life is able to achieve optimal growth. There is no need in "optimal growth" for non-parasitic organisms. Just sustaining enough population to not go over the food limit is enough to pass the famine check.
>Animals and humans can still reproduce even in suboptimal conditions, but it comes with the tradeoff that neonatal health is compromised since babies in the womb will be primed to survive poor conditions. You can easily google search this issue.A google search expert AND a staunch believer into tabula rasa I see. Classic gay libertarian prerequisites.
>Africans had to tradeoff longer average life spanThere is no need in long life span in matriarchal societies. Everyone older than 27 is considered as a dead weight anyway, more so when the actual problems hit. The upside of that is niggers didn't have a retarded boomer problem all the way until anglos brought ones.
>utilization of underground, dead matter, moderate temperature, short time frame and smaller scale vs utilization of upperground, sunlight, specific water sources, temperature, soil nutrition, polinators, longer time frame and larger scaleNice talmudry. And as a classic talmud tactic you completely ignored the point of why african ants found a way to store food for later consumption, while the niggers couldn't. Also white farmers in Africa are able to magically grow and store food on the same fucking soil niggers couldn't.