How do I pass a uni statistics exam by cramming in 1 day?
No.13380408 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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So I have my stats 101 redo exam tomorrow and I've watched a few lectures, just attempted the exam and was clueless on most of the questions.
I'm a chronic lazy procrastinator but I'm panicked and motivated now. If someone could look over my exam and tell me how to pass this, which topics to study and where that would be really helpful.
Help a brother out. I've screenshotted exam practise questions I've been given. How hard is this?
I'm a chronic lazy procrastinator but I'm panicked and motivated now. If someone could look over my exam and tell me how to pass this, which topics to study and where that would be really helpful.
Help a brother out. I've screenshotted exam practise questions I've been given. How hard is this?