Can The Human Brain Create?

No.13380293 ViewReplyOriginalReport
supposed you locked someone up inside of a cell and did not allow them to see anything except for the few things they must need to see for the experiment.
They were born there and grew up in the cell.
You give them nothing to stimulate their mind and no information to poison their mind.
All they have is some stuff to do art with.
They have no idea about the forms that exist in life.
Supposed they had a VR headset to do the art with with some program, but they cannot see their own body so unfortunately the most they know is the feeling of the shape of their body.
In this thought experiment these are the questions I'm curious about:
What art will this person produce?
Will they even be able to produce art without the information?
I assumed they will be able to create geometric forms and then learn those and make art mostly based on those.
post thoughts or your own thought experiments.
I propose this one because there may exist many forms we've never seen before and therefore we may be exactly like this, but blind in a different way.