Possible Meteorite? Geologists help

No.13379543 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>So I've got a rather large rock that I have reason to believe is a meteorite. Can anyone here help me identify it?

The guy that found it was working in a graveyard back in the 40s or 50s. He saw a streak and/or flash, and then heard a bang a fair ways away (no exact distance known, possibly within walking distance). After taking some time searching for it, he found the rock in the image here.

He kept it in his garage for a few years until his wife told him to get rid of it, so he gave it to my grandfather, whom of which was building a grotto and wanted various rocks from all over the world to build it. He stuck the rock in the back of the grotto since it was so huge, and then it just sat there for 60-70 years exposed to the elements.

It weighs 67 pounds and it's about 10-12 inches in diameter. There is still a chunk of cement stuck to it on the bottom, just ignore that. The surface of it is a bit magnetic (just enough force to keep a refrigerator magnet from falling off). There are a couple spots that have had parts broken off and this has exposed the interior, and the interior is not magnetic. I will post a couple more close up images in the replies.