>>13379406Archimedes was more ahead of his time than any other person in all of time. Nobody else even comes fucking close. This faggot discovered a form of integral calculus in the 2nd fucking century BC. Seriously, go check it out, it's described in the manuscript of the method of mechanical theorems. He explained the method to colleagues, and used it to calculate the volume of the sphere and cylinder, and also proved these results rigorously, but nobody extended it or even fully understood it for the following centuries.
His results and theorems on this were reproduced, sometimes in verbatim copies, by Cavalieri in the 16-7th century. Kepler also describes the two-cylinder volume problem in his work, something solved by Archimedes. So you can actually see that he was exactly 1800 years ahead, and with documented evidence.
>>13379490useless frogfag get the fuck of my board