Going to university this september. I'm in the UK so I can't major in 2 subjects or minor in 2, I have to choose 1 subject and just study that.
Should I study Mathematics or Physics? I'd ideally like to become an astronaut when I'm older but obviously that's a pipe dream. I'd like to earn lots of money but also something I enjoy (I think I'd enjoy science in a research capacity).
Mathematics also gives me the opportunity to study abroad for a year in countries like China, korea, Singapore, USA which really appeals to me.
How different will my job options be depending on which course I take?
My current plan is to take mathematics so I can do a year abroad, and then get a job in either finance or computer science to make some big bucks. Save and invest and later down the line in my 40s I can move into something more scientific e.g. study for a PHD and do scientific research in maths or Physics. Is this plan retarded/pheasable? Please advise me anons, 19 year old here wanting to set myself up well for life.
Should I study Mathematics or Physics? I'd ideally like to become an astronaut when I'm older but obviously that's a pipe dream. I'd like to earn lots of money but also something I enjoy (I think I'd enjoy science in a research capacity).
Mathematics also gives me the opportunity to study abroad for a year in countries like China, korea, Singapore, USA which really appeals to me.
How different will my job options be depending on which course I take?
My current plan is to take mathematics so I can do a year abroad, and then get a job in either finance or computer science to make some big bucks. Save and invest and later down the line in my 40s I can move into something more scientific e.g. study for a PHD and do scientific research in maths or Physics. Is this plan retarded/pheasable? Please advise me anons, 19 year old here wanting to set myself up well for life.