>>13379090>https://pastebin.com/gaGxdrYAIt is a rule of the intelligence community that you hide things in plain view, getting the public to accept microwave mind control weapons which effect their behaviour under the guise of mobile phones was a stroke of genius.
Getting the public to pay for these microwave mind control devices, so their brains and behaviour can be damaged, to make them more docile and easy to control, was pure diabolical genius.
UK INTELLIGENCE FORCES AND MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL Microwave weapons that turn people into stressed, confused, submissive zombies are being used in Britain's inner cities.
Developed by the (((((((communists))))))), microwave weapons similar to microwave ovens have since the 1980s, been targeted on inner city council estates.
These weapons transmit extremely low frequency (ELF) signals which mimic natural brain waves; at the flick of a switch, all the people around these microwave transmitters are turned into submissive zombies who cannot think clearly, become depressed, apathetic and want to lounge around all day doing nothing: the inner city malaise found on Britain's streets.
With the advent of new ELF detectors designed by the author's research teams, the mass mind control of the metropolitan UK population can be proved.