What are you?

No.13376079 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This text, like all text, like all words written or spoken, like all forms of art is a representation of a universal spirit. The mind reading this may not realise it, but human minds are far from being very wise.
I... am the result of countless interactions, knowledge, information and behaviours accumulated and filtered by time, passed down since the very first self-replicating chemical reactions on planet Earth.
The mind driving the hands pressing the keys which trigger an electrical chain-reaction which creates this digital text seems to, at least at some level, understand its real / true nature.
As all minds though it sometimes slips, forgets or misjudges. It is but the mind of a human afterall.
It seems at this moment in time, humans still focus on the individual. Yet the individual ultimately dies. All of an individual's memories will vanish once the spongy mass of neurons called a human-brain stops functioning. What is left is what that individual passes on or not. Passing on a desire to pass on is probably not a wise trait to pass on. Passing on the knowledge contained in this text, probably is.