Psychology -- True Story

No.13375828 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Put yourself in the following situation: You are standing in line in a convenience store and there are a couple of people in front of you in line and a couple behind you. The person two customers behind you is a horrendously fugly woman in there with her mother. Another customer opens the door, there was no gust of wind coming in or anything, just a perfect summer day.

As soon as this fugly woman sees the door opening, and mind you, she's standing about 7 feet from it, she collapses to the ground and starts making groaning noises like she was in pain and was basically intentionally calling attention to herself. At first I thought maybe she was really hurt, but then when another lady turned around and asked her what the matter was, she said, "I am sensitive to changes in barometric pressure, the shockwave from the door opening knocked me over."

This woman, she must have been 32 years old with her mother in her mid-60s was just saying, "Rebekah, get up, you're making a scene" and the guy who walked in was at a loss for words and he literally said, "Everyone saw that I didn't touch her, right?" in kind of a comical way and we all just awkwardly checked out and the girl didn't stand up that I could see, just kept on making a spectacle of herself.

What sort of psychological complex could lead to this type of behavior? This wench had little round red marks the size of an unsharpened pencil tip on both arms and she seemed caucasian but her skin looked like it had a strange tinge of purple to it, like maybe she had a liver condition? Could a medical problem have caused this or was this woman a looney?