I became homeless for a few years when I would have rather lived on the street than ask Helene for money. Did she ever offer me money while I was homeless? Never! This is because the object of her giving me money is that she needs to say I was begging her for it. If it was about helping, she would offered. Also, I became homeless when I quit my job because I was not willing to work in an office with Helene, who I hate, and who also wrongfully expelled me from college. After I was homeless for a couple of years,I ended up in jail. While I was locked in that tiny concrete box 23+ hours a day, they put Helene in there disguised as my cellmate: the person I had become homeless to get away from and regarding whom I had found it preferable to sleep in the gutter and be filthy than to speak to. It was only at that point where it became apparent that my homeless was going to allow the government to rape fuck me into spending all day, every day locked in little box with Helene that I asked for money again. She doesn't "help" me. She torments and rapes me and murders my servants and tortures their children. The current money arrangement is the one in my view which maximizes the distance between me and her. I would like to kill her so it wasn't an issue at all. However, instead of people supporting my desire to kill her, my enemies support her desire to creep into the tiny concrete box I ended up in at the end of my years of hardship for no other reason than that I was to get the fuck away from her and never speak to or see her again.
Make sure you get the context on that one. Helene anally raped me when I was little boy, she raped me who knows how many times as an adult, and she ruined my scientific career when she wrongly expelled me from college. Then she ruined my other bullshit career too. She is evil and I hate her, and I will kill her and torture to death all of her people as soon as I can. She doesn't help me. Everyone who thinks she does is going to get tortured.