>>13374645>What people take issue with is the fact that any positive covid test will put that person into covid statistics even if it's a false positiveI think the issue is that most people know that, especially those of us who were first in line to get the vaccine, but pol thinks they're special and the only ones who "realize the truth". No shit there were tangled deaths with covid that weren't from covid.
That is from the reality that everyone is underpaid and overworked and not capable of keeping track of every distinct death when hospitals are already overwhelmed and nurse Thelma is taking her 3rd smoke break because she needs to yell at her baby daddy.
There is no conspiracy, its just human capacity to do anything useful.
I took the vaccine and know the numbers are wrong. Retards think in binary: "If the numbers are conflated, COVID DIDN'T KILL ANYONE AND THEREFORE ISN'T A THREAT", or "somehow that gives me the magical knowledge that the actual death toll is below some level of caring-about-it".
I and everyone else knows we weren't gonna die if we got covid. No one is scared about it except the minority of crazy-ass libs. I just know peeps like my oldest brother, who is immunocompromised and can't get the jab, was going to die if he got it (real bad fucking lungs). I didn't want to pass it on to him or others, that's pretty much the sole reason to get the jab. No one is out here "OOO SCARY COVID GONNA GET ME".
meanwhile, pol pushes the "JAB KILLS PEOPLE NARRATIVE" as a parody, but they themselves (and others) fall prey to poe's law and it turns into a low-grade shithole of a place, with retards pretending to be smart people pretending to be retards, but talking to other actual believers of the stuff the peddle.
echo chamber to the nth degree.
No one (literally no one) is out here denying shit about botched covid. In fact, literally every person who is in the libs camp has been yelling since it began that the covid situation was botched.