Let's get the elephant out of the room, embryos are persons, denying it only works because it helps you sleep at night, you are weak beyond belief if you think otherwise. If there can't be a line traced to where an individual aquires personhood then the most natural assumption is that personhood is aquired at conception.
I think it boils down to self preservation, both in a social and biological aspect, that is, if a mother believes that the child was to be a burden on her then she must kill it. This is interesting as animals usually take out those who are born maimed or will bring harm to their other children but there are very few instances (if any) where a mother btfo their child if she herself isn't dying or believes the child threatens her health directly.
i'd like to hear your thoughts on this matter.
I think it boils down to self preservation, both in a social and biological aspect, that is, if a mother believes that the child was to be a burden on her then she must kill it. This is interesting as animals usually take out those who are born maimed or will bring harm to their other children but there are very few instances (if any) where a mother btfo their child if she herself isn't dying or believes the child threatens her health directly.
i'd like to hear your thoughts on this matter.