>>13369782>Always thought Lex Friedman was a huge glaring charlatan just from reading about him. First time hearing him I can see why people listen to his shit he's fairly well spoken.>>13369782>>he's fairly well spoken>Fuck no, he isn't.Lex definitely isn't a charlatan, but as for the speaking, I find he's extremely hit-or-miss. (Possibly dependent upon how much sleep he's had recently, since he regularly mentions he does all-nighters.) In some episodes he sounds extremely stilted and awkward and rote and just repeats the guest's answer before immediately moving onto the next question on the list, and sometimes he asks good follow-up questions and directs the conversation in a valuable way
It's been like this from the start. I thought he did really good in his recent one. His one with Jocko Willink was awkward, but that may've just been due to the personality mismatch and Jocko's answering style.
>>13370667I cringed at the "irregardless" when I heard it but that's the only time I've heard him make a fuckup like that.
>>13371817You have depression. If you get it fixed you won't feel this way any longer.
>>13374272I don't know, I think he looks a lot better than the average 50-year-old. Not to a shocking or crazy degree, but to the point that it seems fairly plausible at least one of the things he's doing is helping slow his aging. Even if it's just the normal stuff like the intermittent fasting/one meal a day diet