/SCI/ READING LIST GENERAL /srlg/ - Math Edition

!7Reiet0x4U No.13365741 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /sci/. As you know the math guide provided in the sticky is incomplete and outdated. I figure with all the recent textbook recommendation generals popping up lately, it may be best to make a single, official spreadsheet of textbook recommendations for each major subject/discipline (math, physics, EE, etc.) starting with math.

Pic related is how I'll be organizing a list of textbook recommendations. I will be active in the thread to read all discussion/debate relating to a particular text so that we can collectively decide whether or not a given text is worthy of being on our list.

There's a lot of shit to enter, but all I ask of you when you make a recommendation is provide enough information so I can find the book you're talking about, AS WELL AS STATE THE DIFFICULTY LEVEL (important) as it relates to pic related.

This is /sci/'s official reading rec. list, so as always you can make recommendations as to how things are being formatted, etc. Thank you!

>Difficulty Scale:
Basic (Undergraduate or below)
Advanced Undergraduate
Advanced Graduate