>>13365699Nevermind i quit my job. I got shit for being super late today and decided i am not FUCKING waking up at 4:30 to work a 10 hour shift anymore. Fuck them I'm a free bird.
Uh, anyway not sure what to say now I'm back here. The short of it is that RYB is just straight up wrong period, and it irks me we still teach it in schools, that's all. Also a lot of people still try to defend RYB because they're professional artists who have been taught to use RYB their whole lives, and it's sorta not their fault and sad they've been misinformed all these years.
Some 350 odd years ago, Newton revolutionized color. He did rather a good job, but he was lacking the proper tools and fundamental information we'd learn later. 40 years later, a guy called Tomas Young looked at Newton's work and got really fucking close, he guessed at the existence of there existing 3 primary colors and that they were red yellow and blue. It seemed to be true at the time, and this info spread across schools where the curriculum on this has not been updated ever since. Even though a mere 50 years after that 2 other guys would prove definitively the true primaries were red, green and violet/blue.
RYB was never right, it's just holdover from ages past and is continually mistaught. (Perhaps because artist-types don't really care about science). It's RGB for light and CYM for paints—there's no such thing as "subtractive color" by the way, it's just a term we use. We only see the light from physical objects that ISN'T absorbed, hence you want to use the exact inverse of RGB when using paints. But it's just inverted RGB, it's not actually different.
You can still use RYB for paint, because you can use any 3 roughly equally spaced apart colors. But the gamut you have available when using anything other 3 than CYM is far lower, and RYB also tends to produce really gross muddy colors when mixing.