>>13365001>>13366734>>13371130people confuse estrogens and anti-androgens, anti-estrogens and androgens, the fact the hormones themselves self-regulate
phytoestrogens have similar enough structure to occupy same receptors, but aren't identical to estrogens, nor function identically
that's part of the issue, actually
hormones run on key and lock principle
I'll explain it on an analogy
imagine you are wizard lord of a fantasy castle and you have bunch of metabolic minion imps to bring you stuff from around the castle
proper hormone is like a key that will let an imp open door to a closet (cell, organ, etc.) and close it after you get the thing you need
the imps are dumb and will take whatever they gets their grabby hands on, so the proper key will break itself after use and new keys will get issued when deemed necessary
But oh no! Some evil warlock got in and brought a whole bunch of keys to your castle!
some keys won't break after use and imps will use it until he finally loses it somewhere
some keys will jam the keyhole and the door can no longer be opened
some keys will open the door, but jam it wide open
some keys are scattered in the dungeon where imps don't go too often, some are scattered in the main hallway
the same keys may work on several different doors and do any of the different things mentioned
so now you have your metabolic imps running around, putting socks into your pantry and stuffing your wardrobe with onions, some imps managed to lock themselves in the library and some are running around completely aimlessly looking for the right keyhole
and in this pandemonium you are tryin to study
see the problem?