>>13364615It depends. There is some maximum safe charging limit for the batteries. The article error is in here somewhere, probably assuming that the generator doesn't change fuel consumption based on load. The engine also incurs extra costs running at low load and loses efficiency. The load may drop to a quarter of what it was, but the fuel consumption will still be a third of peak load.
There are also concerns based on ambient environment: humidity, temp, and barometric pressure. I have to assume this has been considered in the design of these stations or they will be failing very soon. As others have said, there is no way these will be more efficient than a power distribution scaled generator. They would only be profitable by charging, not the vehicle, but an arm and a leg of a customer, or through subsidy.
There is this hilarious Orwellian twist where people are removing engines in their cars to wait three hours at the community engines because muh climate, muh carbon tax, muh muskcoin, etc.
Suppose these have several more batteries on it. These generators would be more efficient because they could run under full load conditions when charging those batteries. When a costumer hooks up to them, their battery is charged off of the batteries sitting somewhere underground. The price of this modification comes with significantly greater risks of plain theft of the whole system. Any spiteful sob can already come around and cut the charging cables, or find the air inlet and really put it out of commission.
https://smartchargeamerica.com/electric-car-chargers/commercial/tritium-veefil-rt50/Looks like it is a 50kw. If you click the right arrow you can see the 350kw looks substantially different.