>>13364020Conciousness is not just impulses of the brain, this would essentially mean the neurons in your brain form your conciousness. But what makes your neurons fire in a particular way? your environment, your innerbodily processes, what you taste, see feel, experience and experienced, what you have as memory, be it subconcious or concious, your traumas and basic brain functions. Cour concioussness does not end at the outside of your brain, or your body. It is entangled with reality. You'll never be able to transfer your conciousness to somewhere else. You could maybe create sth what would be close to a copy, but even then, your Copy is made up of different atoms, different scars, organ damage etc, different amount of gut bacteria, hell even if you'd be able to copy the neurons 1:1 wouldn't make you transfer your conciousness. Conciousness is a singularity to information. It is the only thing that can Predict Future probabilities and every bit of information that went past the Event horizon "the conciousness" is made real in your mind and helps you to come up with a concept of how reality works.
The only possibilitiy would be a Headtransplant onto a different body, but that is not really a conciousness transfer, and you'd be suffering for the rest of your life because your brain is like the OS for your body, and a different body means different Hardware, which your Head has not the drivers for (thus it'd be incredibly hard, almost impossible for a brain to learn to take over the Bodily functions of all the organs and Central nervous systems and muscles.