>>13361647Doctors are useful because they have EXPERIENCE from treating many patients. You can't get that from a book. But biomedical engineers aren't doctors. I'm a computer scientist but I know more biology/medicine than biomedical engineers because I do research in biology. I know mechanical engineers who knows more medicine than bmed losers. That's why bmed is a meme.
>>13361679Bmeds should study something that has actually substance unironically.
>>13361927If you wanna study medicine just be a fucking doctor. Bmed engineering makes you a watered down engineer, and you won't know any more biology than other engineers who are more legit than you.
>Just create your own thread to shit on biology. Reported for being off-topic.No one is shitting on biology as a field, it's super interesting but you don't need a degree in it to understand it or research it. Look at the amount of great bio research coming out of mechanical engineering departments for example. Anyone can make great contributions to biology, it's amazing, but majoring in it or bmed engineering is a waste of time.