Science is a system of knowledge obtained by obervation experimentation.
Have you ever observed (((evolution)))?
And no, I don't mean a finch adapting to it's environment by growing a different beak or dog breeding.
I mean (((evolution))), a fish turning into a monkey, turning into a person.
No you haven't. Nobody has, therefore it's not scientific. Making up some stupid fairy tale and calling it sCiEnCe doesn't make it actually science.
Likewise the Big Bang. How scientific is it that all of the matter and energy in the universe was condensed into a point smaller than the period of a page?
How scientific is it that it all exploded in a trillion trillionth trillion trillionth of a second, much faster than the speed of light?
How scientific is it that matter and energy came from NOTHING?
How scientific is it that an explosion (akshually it's an eXpAnSiOn, piss off) created order?
How scientific is it that intelligence and life came about of non intelligence?
Have you ever observed anything remotely like this? Have you ever observed a swimming pool condensed into a dot as small as this period. MUCH LESS THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.
Surely you get my point. Making up mythology and calling it (((science))) doesn't make it science
>Hurr no science vs religion
Piss off. I'm discussing a religion that masquerades itself as science.
Have you ever observed (((evolution)))?
And no, I don't mean a finch adapting to it's environment by growing a different beak or dog breeding.
I mean (((evolution))), a fish turning into a monkey, turning into a person.
No you haven't. Nobody has, therefore it's not scientific. Making up some stupid fairy tale and calling it sCiEnCe doesn't make it actually science.
Likewise the Big Bang. How scientific is it that all of the matter and energy in the universe was condensed into a point smaller than the period of a page?
How scientific is it that it all exploded in a trillion trillionth trillion trillionth of a second, much faster than the speed of light?
How scientific is it that matter and energy came from NOTHING?
How scientific is it that an explosion (akshually it's an eXpAnSiOn, piss off) created order?
How scientific is it that intelligence and life came about of non intelligence?
Have you ever observed anything remotely like this? Have you ever observed a swimming pool condensed into a dot as small as this period. MUCH LESS THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.
Surely you get my point. Making up mythology and calling it (((science))) doesn't make it science
>Hurr no science vs religion
Piss off. I'm discussing a religion that masquerades itself as science.