
No.13361087 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi /sci/, I am back! :)
I posted here about a week ago about anesthesia, and lots of you were interested in my project. So, I am here to give an update.

I attempted to do the procedure on two deceased preserved rat specimens from Carolina Biological Supply Company. The suture (4-0 nylon monofilament) tore the skin easily though and the specimens are just no good to practice surgical procedures on.

I purchased two mice from a local pet store and euthanized them with CO2 gas. They first became tachypnic, then bradypnic, and then I stopped seeing chest rise and fall. I took them out and cut their hair as best as I could. In the future, I will cut the hair and then use Nair hair removal cream.

I started the procedure by making a longitudinal incision from the olecranon down to the knee on the left side of the 1st mouse, and on the right side of the 2nd mouse.
The skin was undermined from the underlying tissue, leaving about 1cm of skin to be sutured later in the procedure.
The mice were put side by side next to each other, and the 4-0 nylon monofilament suture was passed under the 2nd mouse's olecranon (elbow) and under the 1st mouse's. The suture was then tied tightly with a double surgical knot.
This procedure was repeated for the pair's knee joints.
A continuous running suture was placed on the ventral and dorsal side of the pair.