No.13360947 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I wasted years not knowing how easy it is to learn stuff

>very high IQ (tested)
>school was always easy and i didn't really care about learning or anything
>go to absolute top university
>think it will be just like school but harder
>COMPLETLY FAIL after just a few weeks
>big WTF moment

>relise that i actually have do be productive for good marks the first time in my life
>learn how to learn stuff and how learning works
>mfw relise that you can learn pretty much everything simply by repeating it and spending time on it
>mfw all the years i thought that if something is hard i am just not smart enough
>mfw when i relise that this is what people were talking about when they said they are learning for a exam back in school
>mfw when i relise that i wasted years not knowing that you can basically learn everything you want simply by spending time with it repeat what you learned

i wasted so many years where i could have learned advanced math stuff that i am learning now