8:10 - There's no reason to include all of SpaceX's operation costs in its Starlink costs. Not every employee works on Starlink.
11:10 - Comparing Starlink to other internet ISPs and calling it "merely another option" doesn't jive with anybody who has ever used
one of the existing satellite ISPs. $150/month for 50GB at 14mbps(reduced to 1-3mbps after hitting 50GB usage) down, <3mbps up, 600+ ping? Starlink in its current form isn't "merely another option".
11:24 - CSS keeps using old data for this video, I wonder why? This is the source he uses to claim a max speed of 61 down, 10 up. Why not this link from the same source, a month further into the beta, showing up to 194/25? Why not results from this year? Also, why go into detail comparing Starlink capability to high speed cable/fiber, when that's not what it's competing against? They should have compared Starlink to existing Satellite offerings, but that wouldn't make Starlink look as bad as it does. Starlink isn't made for people like CSS, it's made for people like me. I pay over $100/mo for 25 down, 2 up, and that's not even satellite.