How likely is it that scientists are misinterpreting the data they're looking at?

No.13358879 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I consider myself to be a very stupid and ignorant person but i cherish the phrase "if you can't explain it simply you don't understand it." Are there any competing theories to the idea that the universe is expanding? Are there any competing theories as to why galaxies are moving away from us? Are there any galaxies moving towards us? I know we are on a collision coarse with Andromeda. Are there an equal number of galaxies moving towards us as away from us? Are there any galaxies moving parallel to us? Diagonally? Vertically? Do we even know the shape of the universe? Does the word universe even really fucking mean anything? Is there any hope of me crawling out of this abyss of ignorance? Do we even have any business looking at data and trying to interpret it?