>>13357555>Where?Ah, you cannot even remember your last few posts. Good thing it's plain to see for everyone else, though.
>And secondly, saying "free speech attracts mentally ill right wingers" in no way implies "The left loves censorship".If Free speech disproportionately attracts one affiliation then it must mean the other affiliation is less attracted to it. You're trying to wriggle your way out of this. Censorship and free speech form a single axis. You cannot be less attracted to free speech without having a greater preference for censorship. Just as you cannot have a smaller natural number without it also being closer to zero. It's a completely sound logical conclusion, you just don't care about logic, because you're a ideologue.
>First of all, what makes you think you know my political affiliation? That I criticized internet right-wingers as mentally ill?Incredible self-reflection. It's funny because you try to cast doubt on yourself being leftwing, but don't outright deny it. Beautiful limp wristed dishonesty.
Nice trips, though.