>>13367470fascism is a false revolution which blows off the revolutionary urgency a period of capitalist decline generates through a misdirection which does not abolish class thus allowing for the class structure to remain but everybody feels good for a while (except the persecuted of course).
A thing is the convergence of its causation. Fascism is not what any fascists claims. If you look at the three most notable incarnations of fascism in the 20th century they were all quite different. What they had in common was shared characteristics of the conditions which allowed them to grow, and shared world views.
In the end a political movement can be summarized by the conditions it starts in and the world view it adopts, as these two elements are responsible for all actions it takes and all other characteristics it embodies. The same general worldview, if employed under different specific conditions, will of course produce somewhat different outcomes. These nuances are often what people look at when trying to define movements, but these are incidental, and this is why self proclaimed fascists will contradict each others, they are attempting to describe themselves by the conclusions and not the source of the conclusions they followed.
My definition is in line with the observations and the analysis of the comintern in the 20s of last century. They would easily describe this as a rising current of fascism.