>>13354268keeping up genetic diversity could be tough
you would have to father likely 1000+ children with as genetically diverse mothers as possible
the child generation would have to breed with the pre-existing female population of fertile age
the child generation of your child generation (where their mothers and the becoming mothers are again as genetically diverse as possible), the risk for serious genetic disease to accumulate is relatively low (niece-fucking level, which is not too bad)
>How would this scenario play outcentral organization around the means of reproduction that organize the mating as its a matter of civilization living on
likely the mass impregnation will happen as a medical procedure as its more practical and efficient to extract your semen and fertilize multiple women with it simultaneously, as having sex with one female at a time is just too slow to ensure mankind to live on
hard eugenics would be required for decision making as its about survival of the species
at any point global economy will collapse and upholding supply and production chains will be a real challenge
also overall world population will be severely reduced
>could humanity be savedpotentially yes, if sufficient genetic diversity is strictly enforced during the first stages of breeding to a point where individual distance between generations is big enough
a population of several hundred individuals can already be sufficient to provide enough genetic variability to avoid genetic disease