Given that a vaccine is supposed to be nothing but a serum with the aim to help your body develop the antibodies against a virus, what difference would it make if I took the antibodies through a different means? The plasma therapy is a transfusion of plasma from a person who has already been infected with the virus and has developed their own natural antibodies. You get them directly from someone who is healed and protected. It's safe, simple, and it works. So what's retaining me from choosing a plasma transfusion rather than a vaccine jab?
Pic related is Giuseppe De Donno, I'm posting him because I'm Italian and I've been reading a lot about his experience, but there might be others like him. He cured the vast majority of his covid patiens (in two hospitals) with plasma therapy. He received an official certificate of merit from the United States for that. Search about it.
Pic related is Giuseppe De Donno, I'm posting him because I'm Italian and I've been reading a lot about his experience, but there might be others like him. He cured the vast majority of his covid patiens (in two hospitals) with plasma therapy. He received an official certificate of merit from the United States for that. Search about it.